In the Market for a Good Text Editor
I’ve been using Geany for most of my development work for several years now and, while I’ve been generally happy with it, as I’ve started to do more web-based work and less system administration, I’m starting to feel that it isn’t giving me as much support as I’d like. So: time to start surveying the field to see if there’s something that might suit me better.
Initial Candidates:
Some Requirements
- syntax highlighting for: HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, SQL, Perl, arbitrary XML, Bourne / Bash script, Python, Julia
- auto-complete / intelligent code completion for same
- markup helping (e.g. ctrl-b wraps selected text in …)
- robust regular expression search & replace
- flexible line endings / character encodings for working with files from other environments
- case-folding, entity replacement, sorting, etc. native or via plugin
- bracket matching
- read image files to update width & height attributes of <img> tags